Image: Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen looking into an X-ray screen placed in front of a man’s body and seeing the ribs and the bones of the arm. Chromolithograph. Date: [1896/1900]. Wellcome Collection.
Looking at Bodies, Sex and Gender in the Health and Medical Humanities
A symposium and HDR workshop organised by the ANU Health Humanities Network with the support of the Research School of Humanities and the Arts.
Aimed at bringing together ANU researchers and scholars from around Australia, the symposium will foreground intersections of sex and gender with medicine and health education in humanities, history, social sciences and creative arts research.
The Keynote address and HDR masterclass will be presented by
Emer. Prof. Ludmilla Jordanova (Durham University).
5 - 6 June, 2024
Sir Roland Wilson building, 120 McCoy Circuit
Acton ACT 2601
Registration is required to attend this event. Please register here.
More details about the HDR masterclass are available on the website.